The Hoffman House: a prime drinking establishment in New York City's Hoffman House Hotel from 1883 to 1916 and a key place in the history of cocktail making.
Its signature cocktail ‘The Hoffman House’ resembles a modern-day Martini with a notable addition of bitters.
The recipe calls for two-thirds gin (Nicholson of course - as name-checked in Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktail 2nd edition), one-third vermouth, two small dashes of orange bitters, and one dash of aromatic bitters.
As highlighted by our mixologist Ben Reed - the more (dry) vermouth you put into your martini, the wetter it is. Crucially, when using vermouth one must remember, that French vermouth is dry, and Italian vermouth is sweet.
Welcome to episode two of ‘Behind the Bar’: The Hoffman House.